contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists



This is an allegory of transformation of traditional techniques into modern art objects of the color field.

The installation projects the succession of generations. From left to right, reads an exit from the archaic, traditional to modern.

Segments that no longer have a practical purpose emerge from the textile carpet, becoming broken code, abstract canvases of the colour field.



Це алегорія трансформації традиційних технік у сучасні артоб’єкти кольорового поля.

Інсталяція транслює спадкоємність поколінь. Зліва направо зчитується вихід з архаїчного, традиційного до сучасного.

З текстильного килима виходять сегменти, які не мають уже практичного призначення, стають битим кодом, абстрактними полотнами колірного поля.

contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists

contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists

contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists

contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists
contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists

contemporary art, modern Art, artist Olga Drozd, Olga Drozd, art exhibition, textile art, new media, new generation, installation, art installation, new artists

2019  (19.07.19 - 30.08.19)

 🇬🇧 Kyiv, Ukraine

Exhibition at the gallery of the Institute of Contemporary Art

Group exhibition "Generation Z" 

Curated by Victoria Burlakа.


🇺🇦 Київ, Україна

Галерея інституту проблем сучасного мистецтва.

Виставка "Покоління Z"

Куратор Виктория Бурлака.